November 4 & 5



Visionary Family Conference is sponsored by Bauer Community Fellowship in partnership with Bauer Christian Reformed Church (our conference site)

Our Conference Speaker is Dr. Rob Rienow

Rob is the founder of Visionary Family Ministries




You have three Ticket Options for Saturday Evening – which includes a boxed supper from Panera Bread

Option 1 – Individual Ticket (1 person)  $15

Option 2 – Couple’s Tickets (2 people)  $25

Option 3 – Family Tickets (up to 4 people from the same household)  $40




Conference Schedule

Our conference begins at 4:00pm on Saturday evening  November 4 (Doors open at 3:15).

Dr. Rienow will be presenting three sessions on Visionary Parenting – designed to motivate and equip parents and grandparents to help their children and grandchildren grow in Christ.

4:00pm Visionary Parenting (part 1)

5:00pm Boxed dinner from Panera Bread*

6:00pm Visionary Parenting (part 2)

7:00pm Break

7:15pm Visionary Parenting (part 3)

8:15pm Dismiss



Our conference continues on Sunday morning  November 5 at Bauer Christian Reformed Church

Everyone is welcome — No registration is needed for Sunday morning

At 9:00am – Dr. Rienow will be teaching on “encouraging faith in your adult children”

At 10:00am  Enjoy coffee & cookies at

At 10:30am – both congregations will be worshipping together at Bauer Christian Reformed Church

Dr. Rienow will be preaching on “Visionary marriage”

Nursery care is available throughout the morning

Children’s classes will be provided during the 9:00am session

Dr. Rienow’s oldest son will be speaking to Middle School and High School students at 9:00AM

Everyone is welcome — No registration is needed for Sunday morning