WAKE UP!! – Revelation 3:1-6
Pastor Dave Ten Clay Sunday 5/21/2023 Am
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Pastor Dave Ten Clay Sunday 5/21/2023 Am
Reverend David TenClay
5/14/23 AM Reverend Dave TenClay
Pastor Dave TenClay
Christians must be vigilant about external and internal threats to our beliefs. Vigilance occurs when there’s a healthy fear of the one true sword. Pastor Dave Ten Clay 5-7-2023 Am Service
Pastor Brian Boucek
Reverend Dave TenClay
Pastor Dave Ten Clay Sunday 4/23/2023 Pm Service
Pastor Dave Ten Clay Sunday 4/23/2023 Am
The reason that Christians can face trouble and suffering is that the object of our worship is the exalted Son of Man. Pastor Dave Ten Clay preaching.
4958 Bauer Road
Hudsonville, MI 49426