The King of All Things – Psalm 96
All things should praise God because He is king over all things.
Brian Boucek preaching.
All things should praise God because He is king over all things.
Brian Boucek preaching.
The way humans rank each other is reimagined when it comes to Christ’s kingdom.
Dave Ten Clay preaching.
1/8/23 PM
Pastod Dave Ten Clay
1/8/23 AM
Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Pastor Brian Boucek
1/1/2023 AM
12/25/22 Christmas Day
Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Emoji Christmas
Through the actions of Boaz the redeemer, we see a picture of the redemption God has provide for us in Jesus. God takes people from emptiness and restores them to fullness.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay, December 11, 2022
Pastor Dave Ten Clay
12/11/2022 AM Service