Death and Expectation Genesis 49:29- 50:3,12-26

12/12/21 AM

Pastor Dave TenClay

Trusting God’s Promises – Genesis 45:25 – 26:30

When God is in a covenant relationship with His people, they can trust His promises and be at peace.

Pastor Dave Ten Clay preaching.


Sight & Salvation – John 3:1-15

11/28/21 PM

Pastor Brian Boucek

Hope In God’s Plan – Genesis 45:4-46:7

11/28/21 AM

Pastor Dave Ten Clay

Thanksgiving 2021


Substituitionary Love – Genesis 44:1-45:4

Pastor Dave TenClay


The Brothers Bow Down – Genesis 42-43

11/14/21 PM

Pastor Dave Ten Clay

From Prison to the Palace – Genesis 41

11/14/21 AM

Pastor Dave Ten Clay

Changing Love – Romans 5:1-11

Pastor Brian Boucek

Sunday PM 11-7-2021

The LORD Was With Him – Genesis 39

11/7/21 AM

Pastor Dave Ten Clay