Journeying In Hope – Genesis 25:1-11, Romans 4:16-25
If we trust God’s promises, our journey of faith can be full of hope.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay
If we trust God’s promises, our journey of faith can be full of hope.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Psalm 66
Pastor Dave TenClay
Thanksgiving Service
11-26-2020 AM
Nov 22 2020
AM Service
Pastor Dave TenClay
Dave TenClay
11/15/20 Am Service
Our understanding of what Christ has done helps us to look for qualities of leaders in the church.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay.
Our standing with God is not based on our sacrifice, but on His sacrifice for us. Our hope rests in the truth: the Lord will provide.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay preaching.
11/1/20 PM
Pastor Dave TenClay
11/1/20 Am Service
Pastor Brian Boucek
Joseph Bowman