What to Look For in Leaders – Titus 1:1-9
Our understanding of what Christ has done helps us to look for qualities of leaders in the church. Pastor Dave Ten Clay.
Our understanding of what Christ has done helps us to look for qualities of leaders in the church. Pastor Dave Ten Clay.
Our standing with God is not based on our sacrifice, but on His sacrifice for us. Our hope rests in the truth: the Lord will provide. Pastor Dave Ten Clay preaching.
11/1/20 PM Pastor Dave TenClay
11/1/20 Am Service Pastor Brian Boucek
10.25.20 Joseph Bowman
10.25.20 AM Service Brian Boucek
Our sin is deep, but we can trust that God will forgive us. If we know the Lord, He brings us up out of our misery, redeeming us from the guilt, sorrow, and punishment of sin. Pastor Dave Ten Clay
For humans, old sinful habits die hard, but if we are part of God’s covenant, our sin does not have the final word. Pastor David Ten Clay.
Brian Boucek 10-11-2020 p.m.
Pastor David Ten Clay 10-11-2020 AM Service
Pastor Dave Ten Clay. In this passage, we are invited to consider the wonder of God’s forgiveness.
Pastor Dave Ten Clay. When God enters a covenant relationship with His People, there is a privilege in fellowship with Him.
Sunday Sept 27, 202 PM Service Pastor David Ten Clay
Pastor David Ten Clay Sunday Sept 27, 2020 AM Service
Sep 20, 2020 PM Service Brian Boucek
Sep 20 AM service Genesis 16
Pastor David Ten Clay. The Lord requires justice, mercy, and humility from His people–not because it saves us, but because He saved us.
Pastor David Ten Clay. God balances our account by fulfilling the covenant established here with Abram. He has canceled our debt and credits to us His righteousness. Live secure in the confidence of being made right with God.
Pastor Dave TenClay
Preached by Todd Krygsheld. We can see and know that God is good, all the time.
Preached by Brian Boucek. Part of the “Covenant Promises and the Journey of Faith” series. We can confidently give control of our lives to God because He loves us.
Pastor David Ten Clay 8/23/2020 PM
Pastor David Ten Clay August 23 AM message
Mr. Caleb Horjus 08/16/2020 p.m. https://youtu.be/dk3qkGxyA8c
Pastor Dave Ten Clay 8/19/2020 Am service https://youtu.be/tG73QUQJvF4
by Pastor Dave Ten Clay
By Brian Boucek
Micah 3 Pastor David Ten Clay
Luke 14; 25-35 Pastor David Ten Clay
Scripture: Luke 14:15-24 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Micah 2 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Luke 14: 7-14 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 2 Brian Boucek
Scripture: Psalm 84 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Micah 1 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Psalm 3 Brian Boucek
Scripture: Ephesians 6:19-24 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Ephesian 6: 10-18 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Ephesians 6: 1-9 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Ephesians 5.21-33 Pastor Dave Ten Clay
Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 Pastor Dave Ten Clay